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Point Of View




Name: Archie Jamson Michaels 

Age: 21

Birth: 1994, August 12th

Schooling: High School Dropout

Lives: Around NJ, NY, CA

Introduced: Chapter One


     Archie Jamson Michaels was born to a young teenager Olivia  Samuel in 1994. She died two months after child birth.(Or at least that's what it had seemed) Untill she reappeared to see her son on his 21st birthday.

     Archie, had no idea he had met his mother. They had bonded as friends after the many vistiors had left. Then he had a dream, where his fouteen year old mother was holding him. He had to get in contact with her, but using her fake name she vanished off the face of the earth.

     Every one thought she was dead still. But Archie felt he had to ask the only person in the world he could never trust. His father. Who was put in jail for beating his mother. They conversation was short. Ended quickly after Archie let himself blow off steam.

     He left, Archie thought about going to the child care system after his parents went there seperate ways. He couldn't just blame his father. But the worst of the worst happened, his father was shot after trying to escape. 

     Well nothing showed. His mother still gone, and no other family, Archie moved to the otherside of the country in Alexandia New Jersey.







Name: Bella Genevive Johnson

Age: 19

Birth: 1996, October 13th

Schooling: Blair Academy

Lives: Around NJ, WA

Introduced: Chapter One


     Bella Genevive Johnson was born to a suburban family in 1996. The family had a nasty divorce that had sent her to a orphanage when she was twelve. She was soon adopted, but instead of living with a father and mother with open arms, she had a father that sexually harassed her, and a mother who was hit every night.

     At least once a week, her 'Father' Danny, sneaked into her room to touch her. She resisted at first, but was pinned down so she could not move. If she did try to escape, he would bring the mother and stab her. Bella was forced to have sex with him. 

     Till, the mother tried to send her off to a boarding school in Jersey, where she would be put in a place where there were only girls, which relieved the young girl. Of course, Danny thought it was a plan against him, to over power him by sending her away.

     But, she insisted that it would be best for her education. Unfortualy, three years into the schooling, the women was beaten to death by her husband, Danny. Bella returned home to face him, and told the cops of everything that had happened to her over the years.

     The thought of her dead 'Mother' always haunted her mind. She thought it was her fault, that she could have saved the only real mother she had in her life. 






Name: Autumn Iris Heartfillia

Age: 20

Birth: 1995, May 28th


Lives: Around NJ, CA,

Introduced: Chapter Five


     Born in California, Autumn Iris Heartfillia lived with her single mother at a small town in the southern part of the state. The house was medium sized, green yards, and a small balcony. It was very enjoyable there to the young child. Until the very day, where Autumn's world fell apart.

     Autumn's mother, worked in a quiet business, but the idea in the company was new to the world. First ones to set on the new idea were a corparation in Japan. She thought it might have not have been a good idea for a six year old child to go with her.

     BABYSITTER. One of the idea's that rolled in her mind. But Autumn being so young at the time, she had not spent more than a few days apart. The trip to Japan would take seven days.

     This hurt her. The idea of being on the other side of the world while the child was here. But she had to. And she did leave. Left the child with a college student that had recently moved over. Well, flights got delayed. And something happened to the Mother. Which no one ever figured out. 

     Untill 2005, May 18th. Exactly a week before Autumn's Tenth birthday, her mother's body was found decayed deep in the clear ocean. Drowning. The child's mother was finally shipped over to The United States, on Autumn's birthday.






Name: Raven(Tail)

Age: 4(Cat) 16(Human)

Birth: 1999, May 31st

Schooling: NONE

Lives: Around NY, NJ

Introduced: Chapter Six


     She was quite small, Raven. The smallest of the litter, but the only one to survive. It was in her genes, to survive. Also, to be a bender, a shifter, yes. Raven was a shifter. Not of many things, she was young at the time when she learned this.

     She was a cat. Well at night. Hadn't really figure out how to contro it yet. She would be a human, then you would end up talking to a small black kitten. Otherwise, you would be holding the kitten then getting a 90lbs human. 

     Her parents lived together for a short time. One a shifter, and one human. They went there seperate ways after Amber was old enough. She was alone. All alone. Till at the age of sixteen in cat form, a tiny child picked her up and brought her home

     Her name was, Amanda. Raven went to an manshion in Alexandria, New Jersey. She liked it there. The food, the attention, and most of all her lifestyle of getting to relax. Until the girl was shot. Raven didn't know this. That her owner was shot right infront of the couthouse walls.

     Then there was the next one. Archie Michaels. Raven snuck into a suitcase as he removed them from the household. Before Raven knew it, Archie had adopted her. 




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Name: Mike Jenifer 

Age: 35

Birth: 1979, April 9th - 2014, November 20th

Schooling: High School Dropout 

Lives: Around NY, NJ

Introduced: Chapter Two


    Mike didn't have much of a bright backstory, only one with a abusive father and a mother that he never had. Not having much of a family, Mike dropped out of High School to live with his lover, Grace Woll. Who ended up become Grace Jenifer after a few years. 

     They didn't have a very stable relationship, them cheating on each other when times got rough with various of sums of people. They got divorced every once in a while, both having about six spouses all together

     After a long time being apart, Mike came to see Grace in her Esate Home which she purchased with her ex's banking account. Sparks a rose, and there first child was born when mike was 35. They called her 'Amanda' after his mom. 

     They got remarried for a short while, but after becoming seperated, Grace gained full custody of Amanda. He saw her every once in a while(Grace too) but was planning to get married again in 2014 to a woman named Samatha Estova. 

     When Mike came to visit Amanda, he brought along his girlfriend(Sam) with him. Who quickly became friendly with Amanda. They were happy together, until one fight that got them apart. Mike ran to Grace to tell her when he got killed. Who ended up having her second child,(Natalie) in 2014. 





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Name: Amanda Jenifer

Age: 10

Birth: 2005, May 9th - 2014, November 29th

Schooling: Elemetary

Lives: Around NY, NJ

Introduced: Chapter One


     Amanda lived a short Childhood, not a very great one infact. Many strangers of men came in and out of her home. Her and seven timed divorced mother Grace; moved around a lot. Amanda was also forced to change her identy at age eight at a local New York court house.

     Grace was not the calmest of theem all, after shooting her fourth husband(Mike Jenifer Amanda's dad) and suing her second husband for basicly every thing he had. 

     But Amanda was calm. She didn't know why. But she was so use to what happened around her. Her dad Mike in 2012, got a girlfriend. Sam was her name. She became Amanda's second mother. Mike propsed to her in 2014. Where, he died only a few months later.

      Two Shots to the head for Amanda. It happened so quickly when she landed in her mother's arms when she died. And her mother smiled when she was dead instead of her. Amanda's sister Natalie was only two weeks old when she was left on the side of the road.







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Name: Amanda Yoru

Age: 16

Birth: 2000, February 29th 

Schooling: Elemetary/Middle, Never finished High

Lives: Around England

Introduced: In AGNA Chapter One


     Fourteen year old Akuma Yoru, watched her family get slaughtered in front of her, which scarred the child for life. Running away from the crime scene, her house covered in flames, she went to the only place that would take a homeless child in, the streets. Soon after taking shelter in an alleyway, she met a older boy named Akito. They became somewhat of friends.

     Akuma still had nightmares about the tragic murders. Imagining her father's burning corpse, and her sister's screams as she was shot. Unfortunately whatever she tried would not let her forget the experience of witnessing death. Especially since the victims were the people she loved.

     Something seemed familiar about the man, like she knew him before. Maybe Akuma had met him? Since she was born into a rich family, she was forced to introduce herself to many strangers. 


So who was he?




The man she swore to get revenge on?








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